You speak so much great wisdom. I needed to read this today: "Yet sometimes what we grieve is not love. It’s the loss of an illusion i.e., what we lost wasn’t what we thought it was. This illusory kind hurts too, but we can get over it by allowing our minds to sync with our hearts." I've been recently in a situation where I had to keep my emotions in check in front of others, so to ground myself I thought about a happy experience someone close to me had recently. I went into that place, imagining what they felt and I felt solid and joy at that moment. Blessings to you in 2024!

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Great observations on life, Reena! Was specifically struck by #2 and KG quote!

Look fwd to more of your musings in ‘24.

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As always, Reena, you have much to say that is wise, artistic, and thought-provoking. As for your "notes" today, the beginning of 2024, I am particularly drawn to #s 4-8 and 14-17. Perhaps this is because of my age, losing a few friends each passing year, and sharing my beloved's battle with cancer (which it looks like he's won). I am full of gratitude and acutely aware of cherishing each day and not fretting the small stuff.

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Words to live by

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Happy New Year Reena. I enjoyed reading the short stories and the beautiful pictures you have taken. Increased my vocabulary as a bonus!


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Hi Reena, Very insightful and inspiring post. Spoken like a true sage. You covered so many different aspects and facets of our life as a human being. Loved all the items. The first Emerson quote made me think. It is easier to go away to read and write than to engage with the world and fight for justice and truth or other values.

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This is perfect, Reena-so much of value in a single post and not a wasted word! Best Wishes for a Happy New Year and I look forward to reading you in 2024!

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Few thoughts:

First, I love that you started with thoughts on parents and children. Generational traumas exist and it’s up to each one of us to break the cycle and face and improve ourselves - flaws and sins and all.

Second, the quote from Khalil Gibran on children is one of my all-time favorites. While children’s physical aspects come through us - a body from a body - their spirit is not made by us, nor chosen by us.

Third, the bolding or important points in each of these reflections is incredibly helpful and the quotes throughout help your post become less of a list and more of separate thoughts that each stand on their own. I enjoy the overall structure and flow of this post.

Finally, I love the points on death, the body’s wisdom, and inherent suffering. Societal teaching often neglect these obvious points because they seem dark, but only when you expose the dark can transform it to light.

Beautiful reflections, I’ll have to come back to this post and review again and again. Thank you Reena!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Reena Kapoor

Beautifully written Reena. I always wished both sides understood each other better - conservative and progressive, atheist and religious. You spoke my mind beautifully. Happy new year dear friend! Hope to enjoy more moments in 2024 with you.

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Wise messages. Thanks for sharing.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Reena Kapoor

This piece is a wake up call to self- really view life for what it is. I could read it many times a year as a reminder of what is important.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Reena Kapoor

Beautiful 👌👌

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Great list! I’m glad to have met you on this platform this year! Most of these resonate with me. I especially liked your call out about parents and taking responsibility for your own life. And I’m so with you about atheism. I don’t know what label I use when it comes to religion...I suppose the label doesn’t matter too much.

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Thanks for this list of observations, Reena. It was helpful, reinforcing reading.

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