What stood out for me in the poem was the lack of agency. Very poignant, Reena! Congratulations on the acceptance!

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May 13·edited May 15Author

Thank you Priya! Last few lines are all about agency. Agency’s not without limits ofc, yet it always has a place even in the attitude(s) we choose when we don’t have control over what is given to us...

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This is a lovely poem, Reena! It well-captures that feeling of seeking light (love, attention) from the sun (your loved one) to only have it eclipsed by another.... what a wonderful metaphor!

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Thank you so much Bethel! I appreciate that.

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May 12Liked by Reena Kapoor

Reena, I really like the insights in this poem about the "eclipses of life that can leave us bereft." I also didn't do anything for the eclipse; I feel more interested now that you've introduced me to these more human and abstract eclipses!

And congrats on the publication! How appropriate that on Mother's Day, you share that a poem about your mother will be published!

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Thank you dear Anna! I love that these human eclipses worked for you. And I love your comment regarding Mother’s Day - I didn’t think of that so thank you. That was special.

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What eclipse? Why didn’t anyone say anything to me about it?

That aside, your poem hit me right in the heart. Before my last overseas assignment, a Quaker/Friend friend called to say goodbye and from her faith tradition, she would pray to keep me in the Light. Little did I know that a few years later, the hardest quest of my life was to struggle from out of the darkness and back toward the Light. But here is the Light that the darkness cannot quench.

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Thank you Switter. I really appreciate that. And I’m so glad you made that journey. All the best to you.

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I too, found myself at a remove from the eclipse madness. I reclaim heat and light by connecting to things larger than/outside myself--my community, the earth, the cosmos. Ironically, it's the cosmos that brings us phenomena like eclipses, which so terrified our ancestors!

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That’s so wonderful and I love your concept of reclamation! Thank you for reading me Audrey!

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Thank you dear Brian! 🙏

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Reena, thank you for this deep meditation on a Sunday morning, this special one: Mothers Day. You asked: “Where do you reclaim your heat and light when darkness threatens?” For me, I find gratitude again — gladness for all I have been given — my wife, my sons, my parents, the light, the goodness, even knowing that the dark events often hide warm promises I may not be able to discover until much later. And looking back, how was I to know then that this dark moment, as unlikely as it might have seemed, was another part of this continuous upward arc — that is to say, my life? Only with the perspective of gratitude, that high emotion that burst upon me like warm sunlight later in life. Yours in gratitude today, Reena … Tim

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Thank you so much dear Tim for your super careful reading, your insightful thoughts and your amazing attitude. I’m so enjoyed reading that. 🙏❤️

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